Punjab's contribution to the Central Food Pool by Rice is 21 percent, which was around 73 percent in 1980-81, which gradually decreased due to increasing other costs to 51 percent in 2000-01 and 45 percent in 2010-11. While it had come down to around 32 percent in 2020-21, it has come down to around 21 percent in 2022-23.
केंद्रीय खाद्य पूल में पंजाब का चावल का योगदान 21 प्रतिशत है जो 1980-81 में लगभग 73 प्रतिशत था, जो अन्य लागतों के बढ़ने के कारण धीरे-धीरे घट कर 2000-01 में 51 प्रतिशत और 2010-11 में 45 प्रतिशत रह गया जबकि 2020-21 में यह घट कर लगभग 32 प्रतिशत रह गया था, 2022-23 में यह घट कर लगभग 21 प्रतिशत रह गया है।
According to the data released by the Punjab government, based on the 2011 census and now estimated to have crossed a population of 3 crores, there are over 35 lakh agricultural workers in Punjab, accounting for 35% of the total workforce. The total workforce in Punjab is approximately 97.98 lakh.